+12R by Lunch From 2 Trades in DIA by Ken Long

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ken Chart 1
This +9R trade featured 4 short scale ins in DIA during the Friday morning session. It was absolutely routine trading based on the techniques I teach and the way we trade every day —

  • swing trade framing to identify likely movers,
  • taking advantage of our awareness that the market was in a critical state,
  • identifying intraday weakness which pointed out the downward momentum.

. . . and we simply followed through in our usual way. This trade captured 480 index points with a risk-managed 50 points the whole way.

I am offering an opportunity to get a set of home-study videos from my last 4 day live trading workshop in KC, featuring 75+ live trading case studies for $500. Any purchaser that finds the information valuable and wants an annual subscription to my services receives a $1000 discount (a +2R trade).

If you’d like to get those videos for free and get hands on instruction, sign up for the Day Trading workshop at VTI in September. Register now and receive these live trading videos for no additional cost. Actually, you will be required to watch them as prep work for the live workshop. (and you will receive the $1000 discount coupon for your future use as well.)

To watch a six minute video narration about this DIA trade from last Friday, click here

Note: After the above +9R trade, the follow-on counter trend trade — also routine — paid an additional +3R. This follow-on trade risked only market’s money earned from the earlier short trade. A nice morning’s work.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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