The “What is Forever Changing” and the “Stuff That Lasts” for Traders and Investors By, D. R. Barton, Jr.

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My completely packed flight from Edinburgh, Scotland landed today (June 29th) just minutes after 12 Noon. We quickly drove the two hours home and I finished up this brief article just in time for the VTI newsletter team to add it to today’s publication!

Here’s a quick summary of the market action and the state of the markets:

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The markets continue to swing wildly on almost any timeframe chart. That’s because uncertainty among market participants is as high as I’ve ever seen.

That uncertainty comes from (choose as many options below as you’d like):

  • Inflation
  • Modern Monetary Theory Gone Wild: Worldwide Edition
  • The first major shooting war in Europe in decades continuing (escalating?)
  • The biggest pandemic in a century dragging on
  • Major supply chain disruptions from the items above grinding on
  • Polemic Politics threatening stability at every turn

Fortunately, some things about human emotions, psychology, and reactions to the stuff above are exactly what Van’s research and teaching are all about. He’s given us a firm foundation to both understand and successfully respond to markets of all types.

I’ve decided to start a series of articles looking at the things in trading and investing that have stood the test of time. And I’ll throw in a few that haven’t, just for fun and education. But first I have to tell you about my afternoon yesterday…

The Walk of a Lifetime

I’ll be quite honest. I never expected to enjoy a 75-minute walk this much. And with every step that my lovely and talented wife and I took, it only got better. Because I was walking here:

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I hope I get to write more about this magical place. For now, I’ll just say that with golf’s 150th playing of The Open Championship coming up in just two weeks, it was a thrill to simply walk this hallowed ground. You don’t have to like golf or even be a sports fan to appreciate what a treat it was to hang out at this venue that was established in 1552.

Some things do truly stand the test of time. And I’ve been talking to some traders recently who have great knowledge share as well, which I’m excited to do in this series.

For today, let me share this tidbit from a current trader (paraphrasing): Good trading includes courage at times. When you have a strong view, have the courage to take and manage meaningful risk within well-defined, rule-based risk parameters. To be honest, that simple summary is exactly what RJ Hixson has been teaching in the Systems Development course here at VTI for the past couple of months.

I’d love to hear what things in your trading and investing experience have stood the test of time (and what hasn’t!). Please send me your thoughts and comments. I always love to read them and I answer as many as I can! Email them to drbarton “at”

Great trading and God bless you,

D. R.

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